A newly discovered planet?
The plausibility that a new planet has been found in our Solar system is a most definite. But has anyone else outside of the government already discovered this planet? Ancient Alien theorist and investigative journalist say yes!
What we know about Nine.
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have found evidence in the outer solar system of an object that could be a real ninth planet.
Nicknamed Planet Nine, it "has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun" than Neptune. That means "it would take this new planet between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make just one full orbit around the sun," according to Caltech. source ~ http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/20/us/possible-ninth-planet/ photo credit ~ http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/20/us/possible-ninth-planet/
Author Mike Bara previously wrote about a Neptune sized planet beyond Pluto in his October 15, 2010 book The Choice.
Update ~ 26/01/2016
Excerpt ~ http://mikebara.blogspot.ca/
"In my second book The Choice from New Page Books, I made a series of predictions that I stated would validate or invalidate the basic thesis in the book. Foremost among them was the specific prediction that in the years after it's publication, one or possibly two gas-giant planets would be found far beyond the orbit of Pluto."
[..] .."the only explanation for their orbital patterns is the influence of a Neptune sized gas giant planet having the mass of about 10 Earths in an asymmetrical "Nibiru" type orbit. They estimate the planet has an orbital period of between 10 and 20 thousand years. In The Choice I placed it at 13,000 years and 550 AU, or 50 billion miles."
Zecharai Sitchin's work centers around a planet named Planet of the Crossing (Planet X/Nirbiru). He states that he was able to translate Sumerian (Black Headed People) cuneiform tablets, in it ~ This planet had an elliptical orbit of approximately 3600 years, and consisted of a race or species named the Anunnaki.
For the longest time, Scientist, Astronomers had a hard time excepting this theory because they could not foresee a planet with such a large scale orbit. Perhaps it is plausible because of our Solar system and Universe consist of a binary one [A binary system is a system of two objects in space (usually stars, but also brown dwarfs, planets, galaxies, or asteroids) which are so close that their gravitational interaction causes them to orbit about a common center of mass.]
Gobekli Tepe
Graham Hancock has his own ideals on what the figures on the pillars stand for. He states that perhaps this is an astrological event that the builders were trying to warn future generations about.
What we know
The tell includes two phases of ritual use dating back to the 10th – 8th millennium BCE. During the first phase, pre-pottery Neolithic A (PPNA), circles of massive T-shaped stone pillars were erected. More than 200 pillars in about 20 circles are currently known through geophysical surveys. Each pillar has a height of up to 6 m (20 ft) and a weight of up to 20 tons. They are fitted into sockets that were hewn out of the bedrock. ~ wiki
Radiocarbon dating places the construction of these early circles in the range of 9600 to 8800 BC. Carbon dating suggests that (for reasons unknown) the enclosures were back-filled during the Stone Age. ~ wiki
If Graham is correct that this is a recorded event, What if this event is depicted as a planet that crosses our path every 10,000 to 20,000 yrs.
Could planet Nine be responsible for a collision with Uranus?

Has anyone else written about an anonymous planet crossing into our Solar system and colliding with another celestial object?
Richard C. Hoagland
(Principal Investigator, Enterprise Mission)
Michael Bara
(Executive Director, Formal Action Committee on Extraterrestrial Studies). http://www.enterprisemission.com/files/TIDES.pdf
The following is an excerpt from shared link (above)
An Alternative Model of Solar System
Evolution -- In 1978, Naval Observatory astronomer and celestial mechanics expert, Thomas Van Flandern, put forth the idea (based on an original model by Olbers) that a relatively recent “exploded planet” in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter was responsible for the origins of most comets and asteroids in the solar system.8 This notion, called the Exploded Planet Hypothesis (EPH)9, has found little support in the planetary science community, but its lines of evidence since its initial publication over twenty years ago have become increasingly compelling. Part and parcel to this hypothesis is the idea that half Mars visible surface was devastated by this proposed explosion event, neatly accounting for the cratering dichotomy between the northern and southern hemispheres, and the loss of a once dense and possibly life sustaining atmosphere. More recently, writer Graham Hancock has popularized an alternative catastrophic theory, which supports the conventional view that the north was stripped of several layers of primordial crust.10 Hancock argues that a large comet or planetoid somehow wandered into the Roche limit zone of Mars and was drawn into the planet in the Hellas basin, effectively tearing away the older surface of the northern hemisphere via secondary bombardment, and depositing the remnants of its shattered bulk into the southern highlands. Hancock’s idea is based on Donald W. Patten and Samuel L. Windsor’s research,11 who surmise that this object was in fact a “rogue planet” they call “Astra,” described in their book “The Scars of Mars.”...
Is this possible?
Could Planet Nine be responsible for planetary collision(s) in our solar systems past?
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