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Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The Enigmatic Fresco

A picture tells a story just as well as a large amount of descriptive text.

This particular fresco is very difficult to interpret or understand what the artist was actually trying to convey. Its true meaning remains mysterious. There for it is enigmatic.

The Gospels of Ancient Nuclear Warfare

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me...

When insults and threats no longer held promise, we picked up sticks and stones and followed through with our intentions and began to beat our enemies. When others seen this, They collected bigger sticks and fashioned them with points, In which they in turn enlightened us.

So begins the building blocks for war

Friday, 31 October 2014

Aliens, God & Human Nature

Aliens, God & Human Nature

There was a time when the gods came down to earth and flew across our sky's for all to see and took citizens from their homes and left the planet in flying chariots. Depending on the era, The chosen were viewed as; The Enlighten Ones and Demigods, Moses, Witches, The Insane. etc.

Here are some of those examples;

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


 A brief look into existing theories of our origins and a new hypothetical theory.
 The history of us and our origins and where we come from is what the Ancient Astronaut theory may someday be able to answer.
 Can E.T. answer the question that has been on man's and women's  mind since his conception? What are our origins? Will we be responsible for finding this answer or will it be communicated to us from outside of our planet.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

5 Sumerian Tablets Transcribed

Around June 12 of 2006, the 260th Quartermaster Battalion providing Petroleum Support Surveillance around Talil Air Force Base southeast of Baghdad uncovered a copper box containing a set of lapis lazuli tablets with Sumerian cuneiform embedded from within its layers.

Tablet 1

In accord with their wishes

The throne of Kingship had been lowered from the heavens.

Rights were perfected, Divine ordinances were exalted.

In pure places five cities were founded: The first being Eridu, the second Bad-tibira. Larak was the third and Sippar the fourth. The fifth city was Shuruppak, of which I, Ziusudra, was King.

These were the cult centers. These five cities were designated cult centers.

A clamor came from within the cult centers. A clamor that disturbed the gods.

After the cities were destroyed, the cult centers were destroyed.

After the deluge, the flood sent to cover all the land, the destroyer of life,

And I, Ziusudra, on the high peak of Nimush, arranged seven and seven cult vessels, heaped with reeds, cedar and myrtle and brought the offering to the summit to scatter the incense in every direction, And the Gods smelled the sweet fragrance.

They smelled the sweet fragrance and clustered around the offering like flies.

Belet-ili arrived. She held up in the air the great fly ornament Anu had made in his ardor.

“I swear by this precious necklace of lapis,

I shall be mindful of these days and never forget, not ever!”

When Enlil arrived, my wife and I joined the assembly of gods.

He touched my brow and her brow saying, “Hitherto, Ziusudra has been a human being.

Now he shall be known as Utnapishtim, and he and his wife shall become like us gods.”

Then we were taken faraway.

To the source of the great rivers we were taken.

To the Gihon, Pishon, the Tigris and Euphrates.

In that faraway place we dwell.

There, at the source of the four mighty rivers we dwell.

Upon our arrival there, at the place beyond all lands,

Enlil said to me, to Utnapishtim, he did say,

“You, ‘The Distant One,’ shall now do your lord Ea’s work.

Once wisdom came from a thin reed wall, you will do the like.

Take directions for another, a whole new ship.

Inscribe them in tablets of lapis lazuli.

Inscribe them on the appointed tablets.

Then lay them inside a copper box upon reeds and branches of cedar and myrtle.

Transfer knowledge. Share wealth. Store them safe, faraway

in the city of the mightiest hero of all, who saw what was secret and revealed what was hidden.

Inspect the foundations, set forth by seven masters with masonry of fired-kiln brick. See how it’s facing gleams like copper in the sun?

Climb the stone staircase. Look out at the land it encloses.

Admire the gardens, shops and temples, all of the magnificent places!

Identify the cornerstone.

Look underneath.”

Now at that time, in those days, the world was still anew.

When Enlil brought forth the tablets, the lands had only just dried.

“Reed hut, reed hut. Wall, wall.

Reed hut hearken, wall reflect.

Tear down house. Build ship.

Give up possessions. Seek life.

Forswear worldly goods. Keep the soul alive.

A new storm looms, yet rains do not squall. Another deluge falls. Again rushing over the lands.

Heed warning and prepare your family’s cross.

Transplant joy of human hearts.

Take refuge in Nibiru’s embrace, the return of light in the firmament of the heavens. It has been…(unreadable)

-BAD-TIBIRA -Land (bright land) where The ores are made final.

-SHURUPPAK -Land of utmost wellbeing.

-ZIUSUDRA -His Life-Days prolonged (Noah)

-ANU -The heavenly one.

-ENLIL -Lord of airspace.

-EA -He Whose House is Water

Tablet 2

From the first drink

when he first dipped beneath the mantle

for the firmament’s black nectar he was destined to come.

Centuries later, they did come

in the most violent fashion they came

and disrupted the ways of old.


and the people of the land were confined to their homes.

The invaders fought one another

The invaders fought each other for the spoils of the land.

For the black nectar.

The gods looked sadly at what the people were doing

and took counsel among themselves

for the remedy



All the while the invaders raged on

to the people’s horrified witness the invaders raged on



When the ugly omen appeared in the desert

the usurpers took no heed.


There in the place of Dilmun



The great gods assembled

The great great gods assembled in Dilmun


Ninhursag delivered the charge before Enki


and the fate of the people was sealed.

End of fragment

NINHURSAG -Lady of the Mountainhead

Tablet 3

It had been established the nations would return.



Nations of men would return to the womb

To Nibiru, the eternal creator mother goddess




The Annunaki sent forth

from the heavens the Annunaki sent for their creation.


An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag creators of the black-headed people.

Founders of Eridu, Bad-tibira, Larsa, Sippar, and Shuruppak.


The first cities they founded.


These were the bearers of nations

the mighty men of renown who expelled the Nephilim

and established divine temple ordinances, rituals and rites,


These were the generations, the nations of multitudes.

These multitudes of nations pored forth through the heavens


The Annunaki, An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag sent forth the divine messengers


awaiting the return, the return of their offspring, the makers of man awaited


with heavy hearts, laden with joy they awaited.

ENKI - Lord of Earth

Tablet 4

A new deluge pored forth

From the heavens, a new deluge did come.

With Dilmun on their right and sacred Eridu on their left

The Annunaki were assembled.

Between the two pure places, the source of pure waters

From where the Gihon, Pishon, Tigris and Euphrates did flow

Anointing the land and the people in a purification bath.

These clean waters, the sustaining force of life did dry.

The mighty rivers dried

Now dust does blow in those places.

Where mighty rivers once did flow,

dust prevails in those places.

Marduk opened the gate and the sons of Dilmun poured forth

The sons of Dilmun,

The brave young men of that pure city

The brightest city of all

Came forth while the sons of Eridu readied the table

Recited the incantations, the forgotten rites of old.

Radiant with clean hands stands Ninhursag

before the Anunnaki.

With her clean hands she prepares, oversees preparations for the proper incantations, offerings and rites.

In her clean hands gifts of cucumbers, apples and grapes.

The offspring, the creation of the Gods, the assembly, the assembled Annunaki, for them

she prepared (unreadable).

The nations, tribes of the earth embarked while the four mighty men held back both fires and winds

So that nothing stirred upon the earth.

Nor day or night, dark or light, stillness prevailed.

Until the nations, the tribes took flight.

From the earth the designated nations and tribes took flight

As a mountain of fire emerged from the sea

Cleansing the unclean, swallowing the firmament.

Tablet 5

* The holy migration across the heavens,

the assembled Anunnaki,

the gods of the apsu were assembled in the sacred places of old and new.

Ea, Ninki, Inanna and Utu,

Enlil beside Ninlil, Adad beside Ninhursag.

Mother Goddess, (unreadable) the wise Mammi

administered divine rights in the light of consecrated fires

while the womb goddess, Belet-ili was present.

The ordained fires, made pure with reeds, cedar and myrtle were burning in the appointed places.

Under the watchfulness, the stewardship of the men of renown, the ancient progenitors,

Umal’s ancient progenitors administered the ordained fires.

At three and two points (unreadable) did the (unreadable) wise men make an offering of flour.

After the circle ritual, Umal, his nations and tribes took refuge.

At three and two points, places of (unreadable) on the way through the heavens,

Umal, his nations and tribes washed their hands,

learned the rites and rituals in these places (unreadable) throughout the holy migration.

There in those places, Umal, the nations of the earth and the tribes

were made clean again.

In those places, Umal was made clean in a purification bath,

fully immersed, he did emerge clean.

As the young men of Dilmun (unreadable)

readied the new ship, the new ships, the planned vessels,

Inscribed by Ut napishtim at the direction of Enlil on behalf of Ea,

were made ready in those designated places.

At two and three points (unreadable)

the brave young men of Dilmun readied the vessels

for the (unreadable) journey through the heavens, the holy migration.

The brave young men of Dilmun administered the (unreadable)

The second (unreadable) next (unreadable), the place of Umal’s toil was prepared.

Abundance was bestowed on the land and in the seas

seed, cereals and fruit bearing trees were bestowed upon the land and fishes of all kind in the seas.

Under the firmament Umal shall (unreadable…unreadable…unreadable) not go.

The gods of the apsu, the assembled anunnaki did decree:

To the heavens shall Umal look for his bread

and to the divine ordinances shall Umal find his justice.

No more shall Umal (unreadable) in the designated, the sacred places.

 Unknown author, Perhaps a better reference is better suited. 
As shown; 
Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands library, Manchester, transcribed, transliterated and translated

Published 1915